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UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who supports the idea of the Big Society. Website for this image

On 1 October 2011, various top UK Conservatives provide their ideas for the UK's Conservative prime minister David Cameron (the Financial Times.com)

Which of these ideas do YOU like?

Andrew Roberts (spooky pr0-Zionist historian)

● Veto Palestinian statehood at the UN regardless of what the rest of Europe and Nato do, until such time as Hamas renounces its determination to destroy the state of Israel, which is the vanguard of the west’s struggle against radical Islam.

Edwina Currie (Jewish former 'mistress' of former prime minister John Major)

● Insist that in schools all desks face the front. Teachers should have the authority – and skills – to get education into their charges. Retrain those that don’t; if still no good, sack them.

● No child to move into the class year above till he/she has mastered all the skills for that year. This is the system in Germany; both pupils and teachers hate the humiliation of being held down a year.

● Police forces: get rid of the flak jackets and military paraphernalia; make them look less like SAS and more like police. Recruit more with ordinary backgrounds, not management-speak graduates... Get them to smile more, and to talk to us.

Archie Norman (Businessman)

● National Health Service. Recognise that the problem in the NHS is not legislation or regulation.

It is management.

Hospitals are unbelievably complex, very human places that need top managers who are free to run them. Liberating hospitals without putting the right leadership in place is asking for trouble. It is like putting a donkey into the Derby. Research shows the best hospitals have great management teams that include clinicians. The biggest enterprise in Europe needs the best talent flow in Europe. Why not create the world’s greatest School of Healthcare Management?

Tracey Emin

● The prime minister to make surprise visits to NHS hospitals and eat the food that the patients have to eat.

● School pupils should be told how much plumbers, electricians, carpenters and seamstresses earn, so they know that by doing an apprenticeship subject they can be in a high-earning category, lead a good lifestyle and be their own boss.

● School teachers should be held in higher esteem within society and should be paid considerably more.

Cameron - the destroyer of Libya. Website for this image

Lord Tebbit

● Read the Beveridge Report. Beveridge foresaw and warned against precisely the welfare abuses now common.

Do not attack welfare as such. Support Beveridge as you move against those abuses of the system. Remember that human beings behave logically in their self-interest as they perceive it. Whether that behaviour is socially and economically benign or malign is largely governed by whether the environment of incentives and disincentives is well or badly designed.

John Redwood

● Create three new UK retail banks out of the UK assets of RBS and sell them into the private sector, raising substantial new capital for them at the same time.

● Freeze recruitment across the public sector, save for frontline posts such as teachers and nurses. We need to get spending under control.

● Seek authority and power back for the UK when the EU wishes to centralise more to save the euro.

● Press ahead with a bold programme of repeal and amendment to cut the cost, ineffectiveness and intrusiveness of regulation.

● Cut selective taxes on enterprise at all levels of income to foster growth and to make working more worthwhile.

Former Conservative prime Minister Edward Heath was famous for 'cottaging' - encounters with young males in public toilets.

Aangirfan (not in the FT)

Copy Switzerland, and remove most powers from the central government, while giving most powers to the counties.

Make all state schools independent of local and national government control; reduce the school leaving age.

Nationalise the banks and break them up into small non-profit making institutions.

Replace the BBC with a series of truly independent broadcasting organisations.

Increase taxes on big corporations and remove or reduces taxes on smaller businesses.

Apologise for false flag operations and acts of terrorism carried out by the spooks.


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