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A Mansion in Harare.

"Sibanengi Dube ... is ... adamant that Zimbabwe’s airforce, in August 2011, flew Muammar Gaddafi into Zimbabwe and that Gaddafi was seen in a Harare Gunhill suburb house." (MDC journalist still claims Gaddafi went to Zimbabwe)

"Gaddafi staged a nocturnal entry into Zimbabwe aboard a Zimbabwe Air force jet that landed at Suri-Suri Airbase in Chegutu....

"He was quickly whisked to a sprawling mansion in Harare’s Gunhill suburb under the cover of darkness with members of MDC VAA in a secret pursuit.

"We kept a hawk’s eye on the house ... and we don’t doubt even for a second that the fallen despot is now a ‘unique guest’ to Robert Mugabe.

"The house is encircled by uniformed army personnel of the Zimbabwe National Army and is swarming with plain clothes policemen and dreaded CIO operatives.

"They said all indications were confirming what they saw, including heavily armed female blonde body guards of Libyan origin patrolling around the house where the former despot is holed up... (It's Official: Col Muammar Gaddafi Is In Zimbabwe - The Mutare Times)

' Gaddafi' has many mansions in Harare.

Gaddafi Double

The SteveLendmanBlog points out the Mixed Messages on Gaddafi:

Some quotes:

1. After Gaddafi's reported assassination, Jamahiriya supportive web sites were hacked, including Algeria-ISP.

2. Leaders at times have doubles. Saddam reportedly had 12. To this day, it's not clear if he or a double was executed. Gaddafi also had them. Was one of them killed, not him?

3. On October 23, LibyaFreePress.com reported Saif al-Islam Gaddafi on Syria's Arrai TV saying: "We continue our resistance to full revenge. I am in Libya, alive and free."

Days earlier, TNC officials said he was captured in Zliten. They lied like so many previous times.

4. Famed Libyan journalist Dr. Yusuf Shakeer, known for reporting reliably, believes Gaddafi's alive.

Reportedly, this is a Gaddafi mansion in New Jersey in the USA

5. On air with Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley said Gaddafi's death is "alleged," not independently confirmed. Did NATO kill Gaddafi or a double, he asked?

6. On October 21, London Guardian writer Julian Borger headlined, "ICC seeks forensic proof of death before withdrawing Gaddafi arrest warrant," saying:

It awaits confirmation that Gaddafi's, in fact, dead.

7. On October 22, NSNBC said "many others who discuss the purported death of (Gaddafi) may be smelling a rat." Evidence so far consists of reports by serial liars, "shaky videos and dubious photos."

8. On October 21, Mathaba.net headlined, "Qaddafi Not Dead," saying:

Washington, Britain and France desperately needed something resembling victory, even if fake, not real.

9. Under Gaddafi, Libyans had Africa's highest standard of living.

Under his Decision No. 111, everyone got free healthcare, education, training, rehabilitation, housing assistance, disability and old-age benefits, interest-free loans from Libya's public bank, subsidies to study abroad, free electricity and water, generous stipends for newlyweds, and practically free gasoline.

All of it's now gone, replaced by impoverishment, destitution, depravation, homelessness, hunger, disease, fear, insecurity, and despair.


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