Scouts by Pierre Joubert
nobody reported on the SCALLYWAGS, as seen on the TV programme QI.
"During World War II, the Scallywags were a secret unit of the UK's Home Guard: they were trained in assassination techniques in case of a German invasion of Britain...
"Amongst the Scallywags were Michael Foot (Left winger Michael Foot - Wikipedia), George Orwell and J. B. Priestley and they were trained to kill anyone who collaborated with the Nazis.
"Their motto was 'Terror By Night'.
Scouts by Pierre Joubert
"Boy Scouts at ages 12 to 14 were taught at Osterley Park (where the Home Guard trained) how to decapitate motorists using a taut wire stretched across a road.
"British roller skating champion Harry Lee also taught them how to knee someone in the groin while using roller skates."
There were divided opinions on Hitler.
CHURCHILL was said to be GAY just like Hitler E
Churchill considered an alliance with Hitler?
HITLER was allowed to ESCAPE D
Hitler Youth: Commons:Bundesarchiv
In the 1930s, there were many Americans and many Europeans who were secretly fascist and secretly fond of boys.
According to 'The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party' by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams (Http://
In Great Britain, the pro-Nazis formed the Anglo-German Fellowship (AGF).
The AGF was headed by British homosexuals Guy Burgess and Captain John Robert Macnamara.
British Historian John Costello relates how Burgess, Macnamara, Tom Wylie a War Office official, and J.H. Sharp the Church of England's Arch- deacon for Southern Europe, took a bunch of schoolboys on a trip to Germany to attend a Hitler Youth camp.
They discovered that 'the boys of the Hitler Youth satisfied their sexual passions'.
The trip was sponsored by the Foreign Relations Council of the Church of England ('Mask of Treachery: Spies, Lies, Buggery and Betrayal', by John Costello)
In 1930s France, the pro-Nazi faction was represented by politicians such as Edouard Pfeiffer.
Costello writes of Pfeiffer: As a connoisseur of homosexual decadence, Pfeiffer had few equals, even in Paris.
As an officer of the French Boy-Scout movement, his private life was devoted to the seduction of youth.
According to a biography of Guy Burgess (
Burgess was a BBC broadcaster, an agent in MI6, and secretary to Deputy Foreign Minister Hector McNeil.
He was also an agent of the KGB.
"Burgess seemed to know everyone, the Rothchilds, Churchill, Muggeridge, Auden, Spender, Neville Chamberlain and more. "
Baden Powell
In the 1930s, many top Americans and Brits were fans of fascism.
Files released by MI5, in March 2010, show that Baden Powell, founder of the Scouts, was invited to meet Hitler after having tea with senior Nazis. (Lord Baden Powell invited to meet Hitler, MI5 files show)
In 1937, Baden Powell met the German Ambassador to the UK, Joachim von Ribbentrop.
In 1939, Baden Powell wrote in his diary: "Lay up all day. Read Mein Kampf.
"A wonderful book, with good ideas on education, health, propaganda, organisation etc."
Baden Powell told the Scouts’ International Commissioner, Hubert Martin, that the Germans were "most anxious that the Scouts should come into closer touch with the youth movement in Germany."
Baden Powell talked of his problems with the "socialist press when our boys had appeared in uniform at a Fascist Demonstration in Germany."
MI5 reported on the visit of Hartman Lauterbacher, Chief of Staff Hitler Youth, to Britain.
Lauterbacher met Baden Powell, and visited the top private school Eton and the Army Gymnastic School at Aldershot.
Two modern biographers of Baden-Powell consider him to have been a repressed homosexual, Michael Rosenthal of Columbia University and Tim Jeal. (Baden-Powell and boy scouts)
Jeal mentions an episode in 1919.
While on a visit to Charterhouse, his old public school, he stayed with an old friend, A. H. Tod, a bachelor teacher and housemaster who had taken large numbers of nude photographs of his pupils as part of a photographic record of public school life.
Baden-Powell's diary entry about his stay reads: "Stayed with Tod. Tod's photos of naked boys and trees. Excellent."
In a subsequent communication to Tod regarding starting up a Scout troop at the school, Baden-Powell mentions his impending return visit and adds: "Possibly I might get a further look at those wonderful photographs of yours."
1. Maxwell Knight, the model for James Bond's boss M, served as Director of Intelligence of the British Fascists from 1924 to 1927.
Maxwell-Knight became Deputy Chief of Staff of the British Fascists before being recruited by MI5 in 1931.
(State Secrets, Tyler Kent, Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, President ... , Domville, Knight, Mosley, Blunt ... ,, )
2. Maxwell-Knight was a friend of Aleister Crowley.
From: 'One Girl's War, personal exploits in MI5's most secret section' by Joan Miller (1986) ( we learn about Charles Henry Maxwell-Knight, formerly head of Britain's MI5 spy agency.
"His first wife Gladys, I learnt, died in the Overseas Club after some sort of occult misadventure in which the notorious Aleister Crowley was involved - certainly I'd never been willing to enquire too deeply into that incident.
"Black magic was not a subject that held any attraction for me. I accepted M's interest in it, hoping it was purely academic, but, for myself, I preferred to leave it well and truly alone: M understood this.
"When I tore up a photograph of Aleister Crowley which he had kept, as I believed it to be unlucky, he only laughed."
(Black magic, spies and child abuse)
Crowley worked for MI5. (The Great Beast)
Crowley has been described as a heroin-addicted Satan worshiper.
In the doctrine of Aleister Crowley from 'MAGICK in Theory and Practice, Crowley wrote:
"The bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best.
"The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape... For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim." (Aliester Crowley--33 degree Mason Who Knew about Human Sacrifice)
3. Jeff Wells quotes the following:
"There is an international cult that believes that the path to illumination and spiritual liberation is through the rape, torture and sacrifice of children. The cult is highly organised and protected by a network of middle- and upper-class professionals, who are either cult members, or access the 'services' of the cult (eg child porn/prostitution, rendering them vulnerable to blackmail).
"The cult is modelled on Crowley's writings, as is evidenced by the internal pseudo-Masonic 'degree' structure, the existence of OTO-like 'chapters', and the doctrine of 'strength', 'master/slave' and ritualised rape."
4. From the book ‘The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party’ by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams ( Homosexuality and the Nazi Party) we learn that the fascists are mainly homosexuals of a particular sort.
One hero of the German youth movement was Gerhard Rossbach.
Described by historian Robert G. L. Waite as a "sadist, murderer and homosexual," Rossbach was "the most important single contributor of the pre-Hitler youth movement" (Waite,1969:210).
Konrad Heiden, 'a leading authority on Nazi history', wrote that the Nazi Freikorps "were breeding places of perversion" and that "Rossbach's troop...was especially proud" of being homosexual (Heiden:295).
Rossbach's adjutant was Edmund Heines, who was known for his ability to procure boys for sex orgies.
In Treblinka, Steiner describes a Nazi administrator:
Max Bielas had a harem of little Jewish boys. He liked them young... They were dressed like little princes...Bielas had a little barracks built for them that looked like a doll's house...Bielas sought in Treblinka only the satisfaction of his homosexual instincts (Steiner:117f).
aangirfan: Hitler was Gay
5. In the 1930s, plenty of members of MI5 and MI6 were fans of fascism and Hitler.
Hitler was seen by some of the spooks as being a potential ally in the fight against Communism.
According to Admiral Sir Barry Domville, head of Naval Intelligence, Hitler was "absolutely terrific."
Wing Commander Frederick Winterbottom, head of MI6's air section, reportedly hoped Britain and Germany would unite against Stalin's Russia.
MI5 agent Mark Papys, Earl of Cottenham, allegedly had sympathies with the Nazis.
When reports reached MI6 that Czechoslovakia was about to be invaded by Hitler, the reports were said to have been dismissed by the head of MI6, Admiral Sinclair, as "alarmist rumours…. put forward by Jews and Bolsheviks for their own ends."
British Fascist organisations such as Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists (BUF), the Anglo-German Fellowship and The Link (which reportedly included the Duke of Westminster and the Duke of Bedford among its members) were allegedly 'left alone by MI5'.
Maxwell Knight served as Director of Intelligence of the British Fascists (BF) from 1924 to 1927.
MI5 agent, James Hughes, reportedly served as a Chief of Intelligence of the British Union of Fascists (BUF) from its formation in 1912 until it was banned in 1940.
Hughs 'played a leading role in establishing BUF secret cells (modelled on those of the German Nazi Party) in the British civil service, armed forces, key manufacturing and commercial enterprises and the trade union movement.'
6. John Hope, at Lobster Magazine November 1991, wrote about: Fascism, the Security Service and the Curious Careers of Maxwell Knight and James McGuirk Hughes.
Reportedly there is evidence of collusion between the British Fascists and top MI5 officers Charles Henry Maxwell Knight and James McGuirk Hughes.
Knight was primarily responsible for the surveillance of Britain's fascists.
Knight, in 1940, revealed the pro- Nazi activities of Tyler Kent and Anna Wolkoff. A number of fascists were then interned.
According to John Hope, at Lobster magazine, there was another side to Knight's encounter with fascism.
In 1924 Knight 'became a member of Britain's first fascist movement of any significance, the British Fascists (BF) and served as its Director of Intelligence from 1924 to 1927'.
Neil Francis-Hawkins, Director-General of Organization for the BUF, informed an Advisory Committee on Detainees in 1944, that Maxwell Knight "had been Director of Intelligence at the British Fascists".
Foreign Office papers show Knight's name on a list of the British Fascists' senior executives provided by two of the movement's members in September 1926 to Special Branch and Foreign Office officials.
Knight's position as the BF's Chief Intelligence officer appears in an intelligence report given to the Australian authorities in 1924, and discovered by the historian, Dr. Andrew Moore.
Knight joined the British Fascists in 1924, prior to his recruitment by the Security Service in April 1925.
There is evidence that Knight continued to be a fascist after he left the BF in 1927.
Francis-Hawkins claims that shortly after Knight left the BF he revealed his identity as an MI5 officer and offered assistance to the BF in its work for the "Clear Out the Reds Campaign".
Knight's testimony at the trial of Tyler Kent was that his sympathies for fascism began to wane in 1935.
Bernard Porter has suggested that Knight had served an "intelligence apprenticeship". His source was John Baker White, Assistant Director and then Director of the Economic League between 1926 and 1939. White may have recruited Knight for his private 'right wing' intelligence agency.
'The line separating the private intelligence agencies of the right from the state Security Services was distinctly blurred.'
White suggests in his autobiography that the right-wing groups had close links with the fascist movement.
Certain right wing groups, organised on military lines, conducted violent assaults on strikers and socialists.
Some of the earliest members of the British Fascists 'were drawn from the organizations of the conservative right'. Titled aristocrats and senior military personnel were members of the movement's Grand Council and Executive.
There is some evidence that the conservative right 'was more deeply involved in facilitating the growth and development of the BF than most studies indicate.'
The Duke of Northumberland's paper, The Patriot, carried out the initial recruiting for the BF.
The BF 'became a beneficiary of the links that the conservative right had with the security apparatus of the state, in particular with MI5.'
The case of James McGuirk Hughes
Hughes was the British Union of Fascists' Chief of Intelligence in Department Z of the movement, from its formation in 1932 until it was banned in 1940.
Hughes reportedly disclosed his employment by MI5 to Mosley when he applied for the position.
Hughes had first served an apprenticeship with the British Empire Union's private intelligence and counter-espionage network.
Hughs and his agents infiltrated and sabotaged trade unions and left-wing groups.
In one of his reports Hughes wrote "that we have the complete confidence and help of Scotland Yard, and in fact have received payment from them. The Assistant Commissioner (Col. Carter) considers that we are the only efficient organization.......our relations with the provincial police continue to be good....We had placed under us a number of the plain cloths (sic) men of the Glasgow police...'.
When Hughes joined Mosley's fascist movement he was an established MI5 agent.
Hughes had the job of setting up the BUF's secret cells, modelled on those of the German Nazi party and the Italian Fascisti. A plan to set up such cells in the Civil Service, the Armed Forces, key manufacturing and commercial enterprises, and the trade union movement, began in 1933.
Hughs seemed happy to use the BUF for MI5's operations against the left.
Knight joined the BF before he was recruited to MI5. Hughes' work for the fascists appears 'to outweigh the information he relayed back to the Security Service.'
There is 'no evidence at all to show that either Knight or Hughes made any attempt to undermine or sabotage the movements to which they belonged - at least before the start of World War Two.'
'For MI5 to collude with fascism was merely a continuation and extension of existing practice.'
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