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There are reports of the death of Sarkozy?

This does look like Sarkozy.

It is difficult to know the truth about Gaddafi.

Reportedly, CIA agent Edwin P. Wilson recruited Gadaffi in 1977 (LIES ABOUT LIBYA?).

"Col Gaddafi himself may have been travelling in a convoy of dozens of vehicles which crossed the southern Libyan border into Niger.

"The BBC has learned that the convoy was carrying members of the Gaddafi entourage and has reached Agadez, in northern Niger." (BBC News, SEPTEMBER 2011 - Has Gaddafi escaped into Niger?)

"Gaddafi has reportedly escaped – with the help of a British secret service team – and fled to Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez greeted him with open arms. The two men have been close for years." (GADDAFI ESCAPES TO VENEZUELA - August 2011 - Weekly World News)

"The Atlanticist media have failed to mention the major achievements of the 'Guide': the overthrow of the puppet monarchy imposed by the Anglo-Saxons, the removal of foreign troops, the nationalization of hydrocarbons, the construction of the Man Made River (the largest irrigation project in the world), the redistribution of oil revenues (he turned one of the poorest in the world into the richest in Africa), generous asylum to Palestinian refugees and development aid on an unprecedented scale to the Third World (Libya’s development aid was more important than all the G20 states put together)."

The lynching of Muammar Gaddafi, Voltaire Network, 21 October 2011, www.voltairenet.org/a171731



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