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The people behind the Norway attacks are:

1. Very powerful within the police, military, media and government in Norway, and, in a host of other countries worldwide.

2. Linked to the people who did 9 11, the London Tube bombs, Iran-Contra and Operation Gladio.

3. Part of a vast 'Mafia-Fascist' network that thrives on 'chaos' and 'arms and drugs trafficking'.

Are some of our leaders linked to 'crime'?

Near where I live there are families who own vast estates and some of those families made their money, in previous centuries, from the slave trade and the trade in narcotics.

In the Middle Ages, the countries leaders, the King and the barons, were little different from the Mafia.

History is full of secret groups. (Another History of the Knights Templar, Part 2)

On 26 August 2011, the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports:

Police sources have confirmed that, hours before the attack on Utøya island, police had conducted a drill for a 'practically identical scenario.'

'All of the officers from the anti-terror unit that later took part at the bombsite at the government buildings and went out to Utøya to apprehend Anders Behring Breivik had been training on the exact same scenario earlier the same day and in the days preceding.'

The bomb attributed to Breivik went off only 26 minutes after the anti-terror drill finished. (Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack)

Professor Peter Dale Scott, at Global Research, on 23 August 2011, wrote:

Norway’s Terror as Systemic Destabilization: Breivik, the Arms-for-Drugs Milieu, and Global Shadow Elites

According to Professor Peter Dale Scott:

1. Terrorist events in Europe have been linked to the CIA-NATO's Operation Gladio.

In the words of an Italian parliamentary commission, "Those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organized or promoted or supported…by men linked to the structures of the United States."

We should look behind the ideology of 'Breivik' to the arms-for-drugs trafficking connections of his heroes and contacts.

3. Of particular interest are the criminal connections between the Breivik-linked drug trafficker Milorad Ulemek and the arms-and-drugs group Far West LLC.

4. Far West is linked to shadow elites.

5. Thus Norway’s terror, like comparable bombings in Italy and Turkey, illustrates the link between the destabilization and the international drug traffic.

Far West - Website for this image

6. James Petras has wondered whether the Norway attacks on 7/22 were part of a Norwegian strategy of tension.

He has raised the 'obvious question…as to the degree to which the ideology of right wing extremism – neo-fascism – has penetrated the police and security forces, especially the upper echelons?'.

He thus suspects the extreme delay of the police in reaching the island of Utøya.

7. Norway had a Gladio stay-behind network, ROCAMBOLE (ROC), that was partly funded and controlled by NATO, the CIA, and the British service MI6.

8. The Breivik episode presents a number of features that are also familiar from past 'deep events':

A) We are given Breivik's alleged history.

B) There are 'planted clues'.

C) There is a diary or manifesto.

Consider the information we were given about Lee harvie Oswald.

This can be seen as false, and probably part of FBI-CIA efforts to discredit the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.

Breivik’s video appears to be designed for the world of the resentful - who find an outlet for their resentments on the Internet.

It is worth recalling that in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center the attackers were trained by a member of 'al Qaeda', Ali Mohamed, who almost certainly was working for US government sources.

Recent American incidents of violence may have been part of an on-going strategy of tension, to destabilize society as a means to justify the ever-mounting budgets for America’s security forces.

Al Qaeda is almost certainly a drug-trafficking and drug-supported organization.


9. Breivik’s Finances Suggest He Did Not Act Alone

Breivik's E-Commerce Group AS was a front with the purpose of financing resistance/liberation related military operations. Most of the funds were channelled through a Caribbean subsidiary (with base in Antigua).

Antigua was noted for its corrupt banks with intelligence connections; it was used for example by BCCI and Israeli operatives in the 1980s for illicit arms sales to the Medellin cocaine cartel.

Some have pointed to the growing links between the right-wing parties of Israel and the right-wing parties extolled in the Breivik manifesto.

10. Among those apparently linked to the Breivik manifesto and videos are:

Milorad Lukovic /Milorad Ulemek of the 'Serbian mafia'

Charles Taylor, once teamed up with Pat Robertson

Samir Geagea, militia leader in Lebanon

Johnny Adair, former Protestant militia leader in Northern Ireland

Irish militia hitmen Gary Smith

A majority of the above have been linked to the drugs and weapons trade.

The drug traffic thrives where there is violence.

Today the global maps of major drug-growing and of 'non-state' violence are virtually one and the same.

11. Russian sources have linked Ulemek with Vladimir Filin, the Russian leader of Far West LLC, a group of former Soviet military intelligence officers accused of arms and drug trafficking.

Far West is thought of as a multinational link between organized crime, including drug trafficking, and the global intelligence and corporate establishment.

It enjoys connections to the intelligence networks of Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Great Britain, and the United States.

The group's business front, Far West Ltd (now Far West LLC) is said to have CIA-approved contractual dealings with Halliburton for geopolitical purposes in the Caucasus, as well as dealings in Iraq with Diligence LLC, a group with connections to Joe Allbaugh (the FEMA chief in 2001) and to the President's younger brother Neil Bush.

The head of Far West recently told a Russian outlet that "a well-known American corporation... is a co-founder of our agency."

It is a 'meta-group' like the drug bank BCCI which was in some significant ways its predecessor.

The group's 'protection', the men it dealt with at a still higher level, have included Boris Berezovsky’s man Alexander Voloshin in the Kremlin and the multi-billionaires Roman Abramovich and Adnan Khashoggi.

These protectors qualify as part of the illicit 'shadow elites, those whose influence stems from illicit or unconventional means.'

Far West is a component of a larger war machine.

Its principal aim in destabilization is 'to promote conditions that facilitate its own business prospects…and specifically the chaos that makes for future contracts.'

12. Destabilization generates business for the power bureaucracies and private military corporations whose practice it is to intervene in destabilized countries.

It is a source of income to those illicit elites who have become rich through banking the proceeds.

The suspicion is that for the ultimate source of events such as the Norweay Attacks, we should look beyond such national organisations as the CIA to a more unstructured and international deep force, or forces, working with, and sometimes perhaps manipulating, these national organisations.


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